Update to MacMRU Parser - Now with Microsoft Office Support!

I've updated my MacMRU parser script, located here: https://github.com/mac4n6/macMRU-Parser.

This update includes support for 'Most Recently Used' artifacts for Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 and 2016. I've also added a bit more error checking, so please let me know if you come across a plist that doesn't work or does not contain certain expected keys. It happens, I've run across a few myself - I can't explain why now, but I hope to look into it further.

While researching for this update I noticed something interesting. Microsoft Office used a binary plist format for the 2011 version of the software, but "downgraded" to an XML-based plist format in the 2016 version. Most of the time I see plists headed in the XML->Binary direction.

Got a MacMRU file that I don't parse? Please let me know!

I hope you find this script useful!

Mac News & Updates - 08/11/16






My Upcoming Classes & Presentations:

I’ll be teaching my SANS FOR518 – Mac Forensic Analysis class at the following conferences, there are some bonus @Night presentations as well! I hope to see many of you at one of these conference some day!

[LINK] SANS Virginia Beach (Aug 28 – Sept 2) - This one is coming up soon! This conference is super chill and relaxed, and you get to watch fighter jets from the beach!

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

[LINK] SANS Network Security (Sept 12 – 17 in Las Vegas, NV) - Missed Vegas for Blackhat or DEF CON? Didn't get enough of it? Join me...if you're feelin' lucky! :)

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

[LINK] SANS DFIR Prague (Oct 3 –  8 in the Czech Republic), Stay for the Summit on the 9th!

[LINK] SANS San Francisco (Nov 27 – Dec 2) 

  • @Night – iOS Location Forensics

[LINK] SANS Cyber Defense Initiative (Dec 12 – 17 in Washington, DC)

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

[LINK] SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit (Jan 25 – 30 in Arlington, VA)

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

New Script! - MacMRU (Most Recently Used) Plist Parser

I have been studying the new SFL-based MRU plist files found in OS X 10.11. They make analysis hard because they are binary plist files using the NSKeyedArchiver format – see here for my manual analysis of these files. I’ve also included the ‘older’ format plist files used in OS X 10.10 and older.

In order to analyze them better (and student requests) I wrote a Python script to output the contents of these files in an easier to read format. Nothing fancy, just text printed to standard output.

Get the script here from my Github page. I hope you find the script useful! 

The script is meant to be run on a directory; this can be a directory of extracted plist files from an image, a directory on your own system (ie: ~/Library), or from a mounted image (ie: /Volumes/mounted_image_file/Users/<username>/), you get the idea.

This script parses the following plist files:

  • /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/<bundle_id>.LSShardFileList.plist   
  • /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist   
  •  [10.10-] /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.apple.recentitems.plist   
  • [10.11+] /Users/<username>/Library/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments/<bundle_id>.sfl   
  • [10.11+] /Users/<username>/Library/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/RecentApplications.sfl   
  •  [10.11+] /Users/<username>/Library/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/RecentDocuments.sfl   
  •  [10.11+] /Users/<username>/Library/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/RecentServers.sfl   
  •  [10.11+] /Users/<username>/Library/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/RecentHosts.sfl 

The script usage is below. The only required argument is the directory, but the output can include binary BLOB hex dump of the Bookmark data (--blob). Most of the Mac MRUs contain a binary Bookmark BLOB of data that can be useful to determine where a certain file was located or where an application was run from. I’ve included it as an option as it can get very, very verbose.

The script also has two dependencies, hexdump.py and ccl_bplist.py. These files can be installed or just simply placed in the same directory you are running the macMRU.py script from. (Installation on OS X 10.11 systems are limited thanks to SIP.)

A few screenshots of example script output:

This example shows the output without the BLOB data of the newer SFL-based MRU files:

This example shows the same output with a sample of the hexdump BLOB data, you can see where this can get quite verbose.

The last example shows the ‘older’ MRU plist files found on 10.10 and older systems. (The com.apple.finder.plist files is the same on 10.11.)

Mac News & Updates - 07/06/16





Call for Papers:

[PDF] SANS DFIR Summit in Prague, CZ – I really like this conference; small, good people, great presentations. I’m schedule to be there – hope to see some of you all there as well!



[LINK] I just came back from the SANS DFIR Summit in Austin, TX which is by far one of my favorite events of the year. The presentations can be found here under ‘Digital Forensics & Incident Response Summit 2016’.

[PDF] Mach-O Libre – Mach-O Libre: Pile Driving Apple Malware with Static Analysis, Big-Data, and Automation. Accompanying presentation for the tool that was in my last update. Great Mach-O info!

[PDF] Java RATs: Not Even Your Macs Are Safe



[LINK] PoC code for iCloud Keychain Analysis by n0fate , presentation (in Korean) can be found here.

[LINK] FSMon by Sergi Àlvarez at Nowsecure – File system monitor tools for iOS/OSX/Android/etc now updated to v1.4



[LINK] Adam Leventhal’s Blog – APFS in Detail

[LINK] Marc Padilla - Using File Attributes to Fill Volumes and Bypass OS X Server Limits

[LINK] Harden The World – OS X 10.11 Hardening Guide

[LINK] @osxreverser – ‘Apple EFI firmware passwords and the SCBO myth’

[LINK] Blackbag Technologies Blog – Did the iPhone Take the Picture?



[WEBCAST] My iOS Location Forensics webcast from May is up. []

[WEBCAST] Joshua Wright’s webcast, ‘What You Need to Know: iOS 10 Security’

[VIDEO] Attacking OSX for fun and profit Toolset Limitations Frustration and Table Flipping by Dan ‘Viss’ Tentler from CircleCityCon

[AUDIO] ThreatPost - Patrick Wardle on macOS Gatekeeper, Crypto Enhancements



[PDF] DRAFT SP 800-179 - Guide to Securing Apple OS X 10.10 Systems for IT Professionals: A NIST Security Configuration Checklist


My Upcoming Classes & Presentations:

I’ll be teaching my SANS FOR518 – Mac Forensic Analysis class at the following conferences, there are some bonus @Night presentations as well! I hope to see many of you at one of these conference some day!

[LINK] SANS Virginia Beach (Aug 28 – Sept 2) - This conference is right on the beach and makes it a really nice one to go to at the end of the summer season. Class during the day, walking the boardwalk in the breezy late summer evening!  

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

[LINK] SANS Network Security (Sept 12 – 17 in Las Vegas, NV) - Vegas is always a good time, and the weather in September isn’t too shabby either!

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

[LINK] SANS DFIR Prague (Oct 3 –  8 in the Czech Republic), Stay for the Summit on the 9th!

[LINK] SANS San Francisco (Nov 27 – Dec 2) []

  • @Night – iOS Location Forensics

[LINK] SANS Cyber Defense Initiative (Dec 12 – 17 in Washington, DC)

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

[LINK] SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit (Jan 25 – 30 in Arlington, VA)

Mac News & Updates - 06/19/16

With WWDC happening this week there has been lots of Apple/Mac news, so I figured I would take this opportunity to put out a list of links and videos that I found worthwhile to read/watch. I hope to do this at somewhat regular intervals so keep an eye out for them! A good portion of these I’ve already tweeted out – but I’ve been told not everyone is on Twitter so here you go!


WWDC Videos can be streamed on various Apple devices or thru the Safari browser – for you Windows folks, you can download them in the ‘Resources’ section of each link below. All videos can be accessed from the main page here, https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc2016/. I will highlight some of the videos I think are particular useful.

Blogs Articles & Other Web Links:


Upcoming Classes & Presentations:

I’ll be teaching my SANS FOR518 – Mac Forensic Analysis class at the following conferences, there are some bonus @Night presentations as well! I hope to see many of you at one of these conference some day!

SANS DFIR Summit Presentations in Austin, TX. There is still time to sign up for this one, starts next week! The DFIR Summit is one of my favorite conferences of the year! I like to call it Summer Camp for Digital Forensicators! 

  • Summit Presentation - The iOS of Sauron - How iOS Tracks Everything You Do on Thursday this week.
  •  @Night - iOS Location Forensics on Monday this week.

SANS Virginia Beach (Aug 28 – Sept 2) - This conference is right on the beach and makes it a really nice one to go to at the end of the summer season. Class during the day, walking the boardwalk in the breezy late summer evening! 

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

SANS Network Security (Sept 12 – 17 in Las Vegas, NV) - Vegas is always a good time, and the weather in September isn’t too shabby either! 

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

DFIR Prague (Oct 3 –  8 in the Czech Republic) - Stay for the Summit on the 9th!

SANS Cyber Defense Initiative (Dec 12 – 17 in Washington, DC)

  • @Night – The iOS of Sauron- How iOS Tracks Everything You Do

SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit (Jan 25 – 30 in Arlington, VA)